
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 25, 2011

15 Weeks

Connor is 15 weeks today! Time flies by so fast! He is growing and developing so much! He is talking and cooing all the time now. He smiles pretty much all day, which we love! He is able to sit in his Bumbo chair now. He just recently started eating 6 ounces every once in awhile. He can hold his head up really well now. He has not rolled over yet, but he is very close. He can scooch across the floor though, so maybe crawling in the near future. We just love him so much and love spending every moment we can with him!

Playing with Pops before he leaves for Korea

Watching Baby Einstein

Love my lil bald head

Bath time

Sleepy boy

Love my Daddy

Laughing so hard at Dad

Dad is soooo funny!


Mommy and her baby boy
Loves sucking on his hands

Just had bath time

Laughing with Dad

So precious

Trying out his new highchair

Sleepy time with momma

Friday, September 16, 2011

Trying to Talk

Connor is changing so much, not just in size, but in every way. His newest adventure is cooing and trying to talk. He makes the cutest noises and coos. He is smiling soooooo much now, and we love it! He is almost 14 weeks now, and we love getting to spend every second we can with him.
Playing with mommy

Cute face!

Kicking those legs

Hanging out with Dad in my car pajamas

Too cute!

Playing with Pawpaw

Superman with Gigi!

Loves being superman, haha!

Sleepy Daddy, sleepy baby

Uncle Justin and Connor (Didn't even know they were making the same face, haha)

Playing with Uncle Justin

Aunt Alexis feeding Connor

Saturday, September 3, 2011

12 Weeks

I can't believe my baby boy will be 12 weeks tomorrow! He is growing so fast, but it great watching him learn new things. He loves kicking his legs, following me and Dad with his eyes, holding his head up, laughing, trying to talk by making noises, smiling, and much more. Of course his favorite thing to do is eat :) He is still sleeping good through the night, and we are working on getting him to take naps. Ben completed his first triathalon this past weekend. He completed a half mile swim, 13 mile bike, and 4 mile run. He did great! Connor also got to meet his NaNa! He loved hanging out with her!