
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 23, 2011

4 1/2 Months Already

We can't believe our baby boy is 4 1/2 months already. At his four month check up, he was 15.4 pounds and 26 inches long. It was hard getting his shots, but we both made it through :) I am just now starting to feed him cereal from a spoon, and he seems to be taking to it well. He smiles all the time, laughs, talks, and is trying to grab things more and more. He is learning something new every week, and we love watching him grow. This past weekend our friends, the Haleys, brought their 6 month old daughter to come and visit. We took the kids to the pumpkin patch, carved a pumpkin, and watched the babies smile and talk to each other.
He can finally reach!

Hanging out in the backyard

Trying out the grass for the first time

Walking in the grass

Loves his new robe :)

Cute PJs

Loves Superman with Dad

Gigi and Pawpaw came to visit

Babies playing

His cute outfit

Jordan and Connor

Almost 7 months and 4 1/2 months

Connor at the Pumpkin Patch

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The Huffmans at the Pumpkin Patch

Connor riding the tractor

Jordan at the Pumpkin Patch

Connor and Jordan

BFFs and their Babies

Jordan wants to get Connor so bad :)

Hanging out on the couch after the Pumpkin Patch

Eating cereal


The Haleys

Connor is a pumpkin :)

Smiley boy

He loves to eat!

I swear some food got into his mouth too

Jordan and Connor

The Huffmans

Watching Uncle Jason carve the pumpkin

I love this boy!

Visiting with Pawpaw

Grabbing Mimi's finger

Mommy and Connor

Morning time with Dad

Watching the Texans

Laughing at Pops

Big eyes, haha!